Presentation at the 2018 Social Simulation Conference

Nicolas Cointe, who just started as a Postdoctoral researcher in the BEHAVE-program, has presented a paper titled “Ethics-based cooperation in Multi-Agent Systems” at the 2018 Social Simulation Conference which was held in Stockholm, August 20-24. The abstract of the paper, which was co-authored by profs Grégory Bonnet and Olivier Boissier, reads as follows: “In the recent literature in Artificial Intelligence, ethical issues are increasingly discussed. Many proposals of ethical agents are made. However, those approaches consider mainly an agent-centered perspective, letting aside the collective dimension of multi-agent systems. For instance, when considering cooperation among such agents, ethics could be a key issue to drive the interactions among the agents. This paper presents a model for ethics-based cooperation. Each agent uses an ethical judgment process to compute images of the other agents’ ethical behavior. Based on a rationalist and explicit approach, the judgment process distinguishes a theory of good, namely how values and moral rules are defined, and a theory of right, namely how a behavior is judged with respect to ethical principles. From these images of the other agents’ ethics, the judging agent computes trust used to cooperate with the judged agents.We illustrate these functionalities in an asset management scenario with a proof-of-concept implemented in the JaCaMo Multi-Agent Platform.” Welcome to the team, Nicolas, and we look forward to more research along these lines!